Reasons to get out of bed…

Posts tagged ‘vegetarians’

Thanksgiving – Vegie Humor

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This is the little centerpiece at my parents house (my father is also a vegetarian). I warn them every year: someday, I shall kidnap it… if I ever do my own Thanksgiving meal. However, whether on their table or mine, it always cheers me up!

Give thanks!

(and yes, I was super upset the year I noticed his little broken toe!)

Vegie Humor – Zombies

One more post before Thanksgiving to make fun of vegetarians and cheer myself up!


Vegie Humor – Barbeque

In honor of Thanksgiving and to cheer myself up about it, as mentioned here, I’m posting silly humor about vegetarians! I hope it also makes you laugh.

How I often feel at barbeques: