Reasons to get out of bed…

Archive for October, 2014

Happy Halloween!

I LOVE Halloween! (Along with Christmas, they are my favorite holidays – because I love decorating!)

This year, I bought a giant pumpkin so I thought I would get creative with carving. Instead of doing my regular, standard jack-o-lantern face, I searched pinterest for some fun ideas. What do you think of my finished project?

Blog Pumpkin

The glowing is just because of a candle lit inside

Also, I enjoyed dressing Baby Girl up. She’s a cheeseburger!

She put herself here after seeing the big kids do it. (At Santa's Village in NH during Halloween Day)

She put herself here after seeing the big kids do it. (At Santa’s Village in NH during Halloween Day)

I went with a theme and tormented the cat (Anne Geddes, I am not!)

Blog version

They didn't really want to participate in this photo. Also, Baby Girl INSISTED on laying with the cat instead of sitting with him.

They didn’t really want to participate in this photo. Also, Baby Girl INSISTED on laying with the cat instead of sitting with him.

Finally, did you hear about the new Teal Pumpkin Project? I wish I had learned about this earlier and shared it with everyone sooner, but here is an explanation from the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) group

Teal Pumpkin Text

I have the poster hanging on my house and will be giving out vampire teeth. (next year I’ll plan better and choose something that doesn’t go in the mouth… just in case!) And in case you’re wondering, teal is the designated color for food allergies. Check out the FARE Blog for more info.

Happy Halloween to all!


Hello again! Since my last post, I’ve had a major life change. Ok, maybe not MAJOR, it certainly wasn’t this major:

I can't believe she's already 16 months old!

I can’t believe she’s already 16 months old!

and I didn’t go through “the change,” I’m only 32. But I got a new job! I was at my last job for 7.25 years (so leaving it feels pretty major). It was my first, real, adult, corporate job. But it was starting to feel like this:

Work Life Imbalance

So I ventured out and found a new job! The new job has a commute that’s 35 minutes shorter (in each direction) and offered almost double the pay… so obviously it was quite appealing. It’s the same type of job tasks but a completely different industry. I have a lot to learn and my miss my last set of coworkers, but I’m really excited. I’m really hoping to feel like I have more free/fun time. And more time to blog! I hope you’ll be hearing more from me soon! 🙂