Reasons to get out of bed…

Archive for June, 2014

Happy Father’s Day

“When I hear people talk about juggling, or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they’re crazy, because ‘sacrifice’ infers that there was something better to do than being with your children.” — Chris Rock

I found that quote  on The Huffington Post’s The Truth About Being a Dad, According to 14 Really Funny Famous Guys

Daddy makes the best mattress/napping buddy

Daddy makes the best mattress/napping buddy


Shoulder ride

Kisses for daddy

Kisses for daddy

walk in the woods

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Not Balancing It All (and I kind of don’t want to)


I found this on Pinterest:

I found this on Pinterest:

As you may have noticed, I don’t blog much anymore. Please don’t take it personally though, I also don’t often respond to e-mails, texts, phone calls, or Facebook messages.

For the longest time, when someone asked why I didn’t write back to an e-mail or missed something on Facebook, I was saying “I haven’t figured out how to balance everything now that I have the baby.” But then one day I realized, I don’t want to “figure it all out.” Because in reality, I basically have figured out what I want. I want to spend time with Baby Girl not my computer. I like paying complete attention to her when I’m around her and work has been too busy for me to post/e-mail/message during the work day… which may have been my previous M.O. Shhh, don’t tell my boss that’s how I was spending my lunch hour… or slow Friday afternoons… (hopefully work will slow down again soon and I can go back to that).

I work full-time and with commuting, dropping her off and picking her up, and working, I only spend about 2 hours per day with her awake (when we’re not getting dressed or are driving in the car). And for a long time, she and I had the same bed time – now she goes to bed at 9 pm and I got to bed at 10:30. Theoretically I could spend that 90 minutes e-mailing, but I usually spend it relaxing with a book or some TV. I’m a tired, selfish jerk; I admit it! 😉

And on weekends, I clean the house during her naps and play with her when she’s awake.

So, yeah, it may be unpopular, but I would rather push her on her little musical car for hours than play on Facebook…

"Hey mom, let's do this!"

“Hey mom, let’s do this!”


So that’s my truth. I’m madly in love with hanging out with my daughter! And I simply don’t get enough time to do it!

* In the triangle above, I have picked “happy kid” and “my sanity” – my house is a mess!

** Yes, she’s wearing a tutu in the picture above. She took off the socks that look like ballet slippers though. 😉

Radio Silence


It’s been so long, friends! I added the Diaper Derby – Recap post and then fell off the blogging planet. I had written that post, written a few posts that I needed to add photos from T’s phone before posting so I saved as drafts, and then I felt crushed by sadness at work and stopped posting. I kept thinking of things to share, but never had the time.

Here’s what happened in a 3 week block of time at work: (not looking for sympathy, just explaining):

  • 2 people I like were fired
  • the president of the company died (he was old and I didn’t know him well, but it was still sad and also made us all feel like our jobs were precarious)
  • the awesome woman I sit next to was diagnosed with cancer
  • my boss (whom I love) resigned
  • the day after she told me she had resigned, her brother (a police officer) died. The whole situation was very sad and my boss didn’t come back to work for 1 1/2 weeks. She returned for a few days but I wouldn’t have blamed her if she never returned – but it was stressful on top of being tragic.
  • I’m in the middle of a large project and I feel like an island without support – hopefully things are getting better though.

All of that is a total downer. So let me say something happy:


I promise to post about her birthday party (and I just realized I never said anything about her birth story… so maybe I’ll do that too), but I’ll leave you with this:

2014-04-24 18.25.27

Wearing my sunglasses…

That smiling face waiting for me at home made all of the hard days manageable. And I promise to start posting again!